Vaš hotel u srcu Međugorja









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Hotel Leone

Hotel Leone sa 4 zvjezdice je smješten u samom centru Međugorja, 150 metara od Crkve Sv. Jakova. Apartmani i sobe uređene su u skladu s EU standardima i obećavaju Vam ugodan i nezaboravan boravak u Međugorju.

Zašto rezervirati kod nas?

  • 500 metara od kipa Djevice Marije na podbrdu,mjesto ukazanja
  • 150 metara do Crkve Sv. Jakova
  • 15 minuta hodanjem do križa na brdu Križevac
  • Privatni parking u sklopu hotela
  • I puno više obližnjih atrakcija

Besplatan Wi-Fi

Potpuno namješten

Besplatan parking

Prijevoz do aerodroma

Bogati doručak u hotelu Leone

Bogati doručak

Uvjerite se u naš bogat izbor soba i apartmana

Sobe i apartmani

Jednokrevetna soba

Dvokrevetna soba

Trokrevetna soba

Četverokrevetna soba

Obiteljska soba

Četverokrevetna soba

Obiteljska soba

Naši gosti su rekli samo najbolje o nama

  • star rating  One of the best hotels I’ve stayed in the rooms with large very comfortable beds the food ,the cleanliness,fantastic the staff fabulous and go that extra mile to please can’t... read more


    star rating  My first time to stay in this hotel, I’ve had a fantastic experience staying here for a week! Everything was beautiful, very clean and rooms prepared each morning! Staff very... read more


    star rating  Lovely hotel, staff are great and very friendly. Food was excellent. Though it is very near to everything it is not central and therefore lacks atmosphere. Shops and cafes near... read more

  • star rating  First impression new and modern hotel.
    Bedroom modern too. Bed comfortable . Towels fluffy . Walk in shower . Plenty of storage for clothes
    Good location 3 mins walk... read more


    star rating  Stayed in Hotel Leone from 7th May to 11th May hotel is modern and very clean and a 5 minute walk to St James Church. Would like to thank... read more


    star rating  Very clean and comfortable hotel within easy walking distance of the church in Medjugorje. Staff friendly and helpful, bedrooms well equipped and clean. Floor of shower very slippery when wet,... read more

    avatar thumb tiggy_harper
  • star rating  Very clean and comfortable hotel within easy walking distance of the church in Medjugorje. Staff friendly and helpful, bedrooms well equipped and clean. Floor of shower very slippery when wet,... read more

    avatar thumb A TripAdvisor Member

    star rating  My family and I had an amazing stay at Hotel Leone. Every morning we would wake up and go down stairs for breakfast. It was delicious. The location is great.... read more

    avatar thumb ivanasofija3

    star rating  We visited Medugorje for a few days and stayed at Hotel Leone. We were so impressed with the service and friendliness of all the staff at the hotel. Gabriella at... read more

    avatar thumb JoeL804
  • star rating  Good location hotel as it is at walking distance from St. James church and souvenirs shop. The hotel is modern and new, our room has a view of the cross... read more

    avatar thumb Dayana L

    star rating  Spent one week while taking part in a pilgrimage. The hotel is very well positioned for St James church. Very clean and modern with a maid service every day. Half... read more

    avatar thumb A TripAdvisor Member

    star rating  Spent one week while taking part in a pilgrimage. The hotel is very well positioned for St James church. Very clean and modern with a maid service every day. Half... read more

    avatar thumb carlayr888